
Site de démonstration du jeu de squelettes ESCAL fonctionnant sous SPIP3 et mis à la disposition des Etablissements SColaires de l’Académie de Lyon... et de qui veut.

Sitemap in footer for multilingual site

le 29 août 2023
à 01:08
Rappel du sujet :

Escal is exceptionally good for multilingual sites ! There are 4 languages on my site (SPIP 3.2.19, Escal 4.6.2), the main one is Russian, the structure of the language sections is similar, but the content is very different. The Sitemap tab on the main page shows a map only of the relevant language section. That is, if I choose English, then I see only content in the English section, and if Ukrainian, then Ukrainian. It suits me just fine. But the link in the footer to the sitemap opens only the map of the Russian section, no matter what language I choose. This is inconvenient... Is it possible to give a link in the footer to a map of the entire site, all language sections ?

Sitemap in footer for multilingual site


Can you give me the url of your site that I look at this ?

url of multilingual site

Even more unexpected behavior for the link "Legal notices" in the footer.

Sitemap in footer for multilingual site

Amazing indeed.
Do you have a copy of inc-pied.html in /squelettes/inclusions ?

Sitemap in footer for multilingual site

After a few tests, here is what I propose :

  • copy the inc-pied.html and inc-plan.html files from /plugins/auto/escal/inclusions to /squelettes/inclusions
  • in the copy of inc-pied.html replace the line 40


  • in the copy of inc-plan.html replace line 12


Sitemap in footer for multilingual site

And a big thank you for the translations !
You can check "translated" instead of "modified".

Thanks !

Wonderful ! Everything works as I need.
I tested it on a fresh version on a local site with SPIP 4.2.4 and Escal 5.0.6.

As for the Escal translation, I’m testing it now on a local site. Some roughnesses are found, they have to be corrected.
I don’t feel very confident on the translation site. Can I just send you the edited file ?

Sitemap in footer for multilingual site

I would really prefer that you go through the translation site because it is he who will then make the translations available in the Escal plugin.

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